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A Japanese-Style Makeup Guide

More than being products, makeup, for me, are tools to express one’s creativity, show one’s self-care and boost one’s confidence. Through makeup, I am able to live different personas – I can put on a simple everyday look if I am feeling simple, play with colorful eyeshadows if I wanted to show more of my artistic side, make use of different application techniques to create distinct looks and show the fluidity of my personality. Makeup gives me the power to be one person one day and another totally different one the next day.

Speaking of looks, in the short time that I lived in Tokyo, I made it a point to familiarize myself with Japanese beauty and master enough techniques to be able to create a Japanese-inspired makeup look.

Head on to this article I wrote for the Japanese Beauty blog Datumou Recipe to see and know more about the look I created with them.

Japanese beauty products and services are, in a way, quite difficult to catch up on because of one, the language barrier, and two, these innovate on a super-fast pace that the moment we’ve learned about one product/service, they are already coming out with a new one!

Japan Beauty Test by Datumou Recipe comes to the rescue and serves as your newest resource for anything related to Japanese beauty product and services. The site’s content is focused on testing them out and seeing what the buzz is about. It then offers not only fun and interesting but more importantly, informative blog posts that will surely help you keep up with Japanese trends and provide you will everything you need to know before you try them out for yourself.





est. 2017


Thanks! I'll get back to you shortly :)


The letter "J" in J-Beauty stands for Jelaine. This is the space where she mainly talks about her number one passion - beauty.

It also stands for Japan or Japanese. Jelaine is currently living in Tokyo, which we all know is a pioneer to the most innovative (and sometimes, weirdest) beauty products. This blog chronicles her journey as she explores this beautiful and "beauty-full" city.

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